Mese: Marzo 2019

  • Merezzate+ presented at Milano Sustainable energy week

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    [av_heading tag=’h6′ padding=’10’ heading=’Merezzate+ presented at Milano Sustainable energy week‘ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=’#3791b2′ size=’32’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
    March 2019

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    The sustainable energies week represents today one of the key events in Milan to discuss on research and innovation on energy and climate issues.

    In the context A2A Calore e Servizi on March 19, 2019 has organized in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, Municipality of Milan and AMAT a workshop on the development in Milan of the innovative district heating technologies (IL CALORE SOSTENIBILE- Teleriscaldamento a bassa temperatura: nuovi sviluppi per la città di Milano)

    Prof Mario Motta  (Politecnico di Milano) was invited to this event in order to share the experience of MEREZZATE + project

    After a brief introduction on the purpose of the project, the description of the partners and the activities that will be developed,  Prof Motta focuses his intervention on the following items:

    • The testing of a new low temperature district heating model in Merezzate+, which is the first plant of this type in Italy that is also used for summer cooling and it is an ideal solution for efficient clean energy production in our urban areas.
    • The air conditioning and ventilation of selected environments realized through “Freescoo”, an innovative system mainly fed by the district heating network. The system will benefit from minimum power consumption compared to traditional air conditioning systems therefore gaining substantial savings on energy costs.
    • The ICT tools for the control of thermal and electrical consumption of individual dwellings, allowing the tenants to monitor their behaviours in real time, ensuring autonomy in the management of comfort in indoor spaces and creating the conditions for a sensible energy consumption.


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