Mese: Ottobre 2021

  • 3D printing workshop for kids: “Food waste: from trash to treasure for eco-design”

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    [av_heading heading=’3D printing workshop for kids: “Food waste: from trash to treasure for eco-design”‘ tag=’h6′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=’32’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#3791b2′ admin_preview_bg=”]
    October 2021

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    For the Circular Economy pillar and to introduce kids (aged 10-15 – middle school target) to the topic, Merezzate+ organised, together with Krill Design a workshop to demonstrate how food waste cand become eco-materials for 3D printing to create eco-design organic and biodegradable objects.

    Krill Design is a start-up based in REDO Milano that uses food waste (such as fruit peel, coffee grounds, shells, seeds, …) to create a eco-material to create design objects with 3D printing.

    In the morning of Saturday 2nd October, the workshop for kids has focused on three main parts:

    1. An introduction to explain the process that brings food waste to become a bio-material for 3D printing;
    2.  A tactile and olfactory session to get in touch with the materials;
    3. A 3D printing experience.

    Every participant has recived a little 3D printed present from the workshop.

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  • Merezzate+ @ “Energy Communities in Italy: a new energy model for the city of the future”

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    [av_heading heading=’Merezzate+ @ “Energy Communities in Italy: a new energy model for the city of the future”‘ tag=’h6′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=’32’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#3791b2′ admin_preview_bg=”]
    September 2021

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    On 24th September, Merezzate+ was presented as a case study in the event “Energy Communities pilot experiences: tools and practices for the creation and the management of Energy Communities”.

    Giuliana Gemini (Poliedra) and Mario Motta (Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department) have presented two different features of the project Merezzate+ that can be adopted in other context in order to encourage the creation of Energy Communities: community engagement and innovative technologies.

    See the contribution of Giuliana Gemini and Mario Motta and the full event in the video below.

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  • Merezzate+ @ “Carbon Neutral City: from buzz to action”

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    [av_heading tag=’h6′ padding=’10’ heading=’Merezzate+ @ “Carbon Neutral City: from buzz to action” ‘ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=’#3791b2′ size=’32’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]
    September 2021

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    On the morning of Wednesday 29th September Merezzate+ was presented as a best practice at the meeting “Carbon Neutral City: from buzz to action”.

    The event presents some of the Milan innovative experiences of district-based solutions as a Carbon Neutral city facing climate change and promoting urban regeneration, mobilizing all key players and providing for a broad involvement of civil society, private sector, public administrations and research.

    The event was organised in roundtables, starting from the Milano experiences and scaling to an international perspective.

    A goal of the event is to produce a “lessons learned notice” on Climate neutral and Smart Cities, useful for sharing the experiences of Milan and to propose models to other urban areas for the successful engagement of citizens, policy makers, Public Administrations and Real Estate operators.

    The meeting was scheduled as follow:

    • Greetings and agenda from Paola Pierotti (PPAN)
    • Municipality of Milan – Filippo Salucci, head of environmental transition department
    • Ecological Transition Ministry (MITE) – Andrea Accorigi, technical secretary

    Round tables:

    1.Tools (Paola Pierotti – PPAN – as moderator):

    • Carbon Neutral Cities and Piano Aria Clima of the Municipality of Milan – Giseppina Sordi (Municipality of Milan) and Manuela Ojan (AMAT);
    • Milano Transition Fund (MTF2026 project) – Piero Pelizzaro (Municipality of Milan);
    • Technologies and new financial tools – Mario Motta (Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department);
    • Community engagement and behavioural change for carbon neutral districts and smart cities (Merezzate+ project) – Giuliana Gemini, Poliedra

    2.Real Estate sector (Paola Pierotti – PPAN – as moderator):

    • Fabio Carlozzo, REDO sgr
    • Andrea Ruckstuhl, Lendlease

    3.International experiences (Anrea Grieco – Will – as moderator):

    • Hélène Chartier – Zero Carbon Development director, C40
    • Matthew Baldwin – head ofo EU 100 Climate Neutral Cities project
    • Thomas Osdoba – Senior Cities Advisor, EIT Climate-KIC

    The event was organised by Consorzio Poliedra, Politecnico di Milano, REDO sgr, the Municiplity of Milan, AMAT, with the contribution of EIT-Climate KIC and the collaboration of the Ecological Transition Ministry, Lendlease, “100 Neutral Cities” and “C40 Cities” networks.

    The initiative was part of the All4Climate program, organised by the Ecological Transition Ministry and te World Bank program “Connect4Climate”, together with Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Milan and is part of pre-COP: a 40-country ministry meeting in Milan hold one month before the COP26, with the aim of having a preliminary debate about climate issue.

    The meeting is done in collaboration with SP2021 – Sustainable Places IX edition, held in Rome form 28th September to 1st October.

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