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[av_heading tag=’h5′ padding=’40’ heading=’Mobility’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’90’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’40’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]
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Creation of a Home-School Travel Plan
The idea of the Merezzate+ project is to create an Home-School Travel Plan for REDO Milano district: through the analysis of travel’s origin and destination and habits, a tool of useful measures and solutions will be developed: e.g. to promote multimodality especially “bike + metro/train” through the planning of cycling links and services such as bike sharing at the station and bike parks, the connections of the district with the Public Transport nodes, taking into account Merezzate+ shared mobility tailor-made services for the district (charging points, walking bus system, …). In addition to this plan it should be positive to expand the analysis of accessibility to the Santa Giulia district through questionnaires for residents of the neighborhood and carry out this hypothesis also for Santa Giulia North.
The leading partner for this task is Poliedra that will be supported by the Municipality of Milan and AMAT in the all activities related to the mobility plan as third parties.
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E-vehicles charging point
The project foresees the installation of “charging points” for boosting electric mobility in Merezzate+ district. Charging points will represent a suitable offer for both private users and car sharing operators, in compliance with Municipality rules.
The leading partner is A2A Smart City and is responsible for the planning and the activities aiming at realizing the service. Poliedra supports A2A SC in the stakeholder engagement and Municipality of Milan, as third part, is involved for ensuring the compliance with municipal rules.
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Walking bus system
The project foresees the planning of a “walking bus” system for children. It is a form of sustainable mobility involving volunteers bringing students from home to school and back following routes defined and certified by the police.
The leading partner is Poliedra and is responsible for the service planning and the activities aiming to collect citizens and all stakeholders, and to relate with Public Administration. As the main stakeholder involved in providing educational services, Municipality of Milan follows the activities related to the creation of the walking bus system.
[av_image_spot tooltip_pos=’av-tt-pos-right av-tt-align-centered’ tooltip_width=’av-tt-xlarge-width’ tooltip_style=’main_color’ link=” link_target=” hotspot_color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_pulse=” hotspot_pos=’80,25.2′]
Community mobility services
The Merezzate+ mobility services will be one of the priority themes in the co-design activities. During the process in the different workshops the residents will be supported and accompanied by mobility experts in order to find and implement the most suitable solutions of mobility services. For example: e-car sharing of condominiums, scooters or bike sharing, but also mobility areas where shared services served by recharging points are located in strategic points for the neighborhood.
The leading partner is Poliedra and is responsible for the co-designing the mobility services together with the community and the main stakeholder involved in these activities, FHS.
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