R2B – Research to Business

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June 2019

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BOLOGNA 06 June 2019

R2B (Research to Business) represents today one of the key events in Italy offering new multi-sectoral technologies and skills, research and innovation, but it also represents the right place to discover European and national policies for internationalisation and competitiveness. R2B is a “laboratory” in which innovation experiences connect according to the Model of Open Innovation and fostering the emergence of opportunities and new business among the various players in the ecosystem. R2B is promoted by the Emilia-Romagna and BolognaFiere Region, in collaboration with ART-ER – the new regional company for innovation and attractiveness of the territory, born from the merger of ASTER and ERVET – and SMAU.

In the context of the R2B Fair on 06/06/2019 in Bologna, Paolo Zancanella  (Politecnico di Milano) was invited to this event by AR-TER, to talk about the importance of co-planning and co-management for sustainability in social housing, bringing as a case study, the Merezzate+ project.

After a brief introduction on the purpose of the project, the description of the partners and the activities that will be developed, Paolo talked about community and engagement, the importance of the active participation of the residents and the relevance to define and develop together with the future residents the main activities for the community, (how to participate, identifying in which actions the future residents can be more involved and how these activities can be organized and managed by themselves). In addition to this, Paolo illustrated the path to be taken together with the future residents (from the publication of the calls to the meetings with those who have already submitted their application, the simulation of the project and finally how the assignment of the apartments will take place based on specific criteria. To conclude his speech, Paolo showed some examples of social cards prepared by FHS together with Poliedra that will be used in these meetings among the future tenants of Merezzate in order to identify, develop and plan together the main activities for the community.


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