An interview to Merezzate+ experts

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September 2020

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Fondazione Housing Sociale, together with REDO sgr, is recording a series of videos named “REDO Merezzate, racconti dal quartiere (stories from the neighbourhood)” to introduce the district to its future inhabitants. These videos are interviews to the stakeholders of Santa Giulia and Rogoredo districts, collecting different experiences and projects in the area where REDO Merezzate is located.

Roberta Conditi interviews Merezzate+ experts.

Mario Motta, Francesca Costa and Giuliana Gemini explain Merezzate+ pillars: Energy, Mobility and Circular Economy.

Mario Motta, the coordinator of the Merezzate+ project, tells us about the importance of the decarbonisation of cities and how Merezzate+ is helping REDO Merezzate, where the project is working, to become one of the Smart Sustainable District. Some punctual actions, developed in the Energy pillar, are provided to reduce the impact of the district such as low temperature and smart heating and cooling systems, control on electricity demand that can be done using the smart app, which informs the users about their energy behaviours.

Francesca Costa explains the sustainable mobility actions foreseen in the Mobility pillar. Starting from an analysis of the needs of the area, the Vision 2030 (a future mobility scenario) was designed with the aim to improve sustainable mobility and cycling in the area. Other actions that are going to be implemented in the pillar are the walking bus for primary school pupils, a series of webinar about cycling and a community car share system that is going to be co-designed and developed with REDO Merezzate inhabitants.

Co-designing is, as well, at the core of Circular Economy pillar and Giuliana Gemini explains us how it is going to be implemented. Merezzate+ has already proposed some activities on sustainable purchasing to do with the ethical purchasing groups approach and eco-friendly tricks to make moving more sustainable (with a dedicated guide made by AMSA) and it plans to do some more ones concerning vegetable gardens, waste management and fixing and re-using laboratories, involving local shops and companies that are going to locate in REDO Merezzate districts.

The smart app that Mario Motta mentioned in the first intervention is going to be used to support GaiaGo car share, to engage people proposing challenges about circular economy and mobility and to promote local events about Merezzate+ pillars.



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